Brief Breakdown – Fall 2016 Graphics Card Buyer’s Guide
It’s been a while since we’ve taken a look at any PC hardware, and with the recent release of Nvidia’s 1080 series of graphic cards, I thought it would be a good time to see if an upgrade might be in order. Now that Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality devices are somewhat more common these […]
Gamescom – Elite Dangerous Wrap Up
Previously, we took a look at some of Frontier Development’s plans for their popular space sim, Elite Dangerous, and today we’ll continue checking out the announcements from Gamescom 2016. While Passenger Contracts and Fighter Deployment were undoubtedly the stars of the FD’s showing, update 2.2, Guardians, is also bringing with it a number of changes […]
Gamescom – Elite Dangerous
Even though Gamescom was a little subdued this year, there was still a decent amount of exciting news to come from the annual game fair. If you’ve been a fan of Frontier Developments’ popular space sim then you’ll probably welcome this year’s announcements with open arms. From passenger liners to fighter deployment, FD’s feature list […]
Naval Action – Alliances
Game-Labs’ expansive naval combat sim, Naval Action, continues to navigate its way through Early Access with a fair amount of success. Just visiting the Steam page shows, as of this writing, reviews firmly in the “Very Positive” and “Mostly Positive” categories. In fact, it’s because of these ratings that Game-Labs recently introduced four new ships […]
Star Citizen – Alpha 3.0 Gamescom Reveal and PTU 2.5
Star Citizen is once again taking large steps towards their final product with an announcement today at Gamescom, the annual gaming trade fair held in Germany. Even though 2.5 is still being tested on public test servers, Cloud Imperium Games announced, today, that the game would skip version 2.7 and move straight into Alpha 3.0 which […]
DCS World and IL*2 Sturmovik – Summer Updates
DCS World Eagle Dynamics and Belsimtek, as we discussed previously, have released the F-5E Tiger II out into the wild, and it’s been met with fairly positive reviews. Shortly after the Tiger II’s early access announcement, ED released update 2.0.3 for DCS World 2. While mostly a maintenance patch, concerned with bug fixes and tweaks, […]
IL*2 Sturmovik – VR and Ground Update
Today, the folks at 1C released an incremental update for their popular flight/combat sim IL*2 Sturmovik. One of the key features of the update is the inclusion of Virtual Reality support via the HTC Vive. However, the support is very early and seems to be encountering some issues, but we’ll talk more about that after […]
Catching Up With Star Citizen – Alpha 2.4
The last time I dove into Star Citizen was back when 2.0 and 2.1 were released. These updates introduced a ton of new content, features, and the beginnings of a somewhat persistent universe. Despite how problematic, technically, those updates were for some, the new content really started to show that Star Citizen’s lofty goals really […]
Updates From Above – WOFF, CAP2, IL-2 BoM, DCS World
Wings: Over Flanders Fields The ever popular WOFF saw its content upgraded to Version 3 in the past weeks, and naturally the update brought with it many changes and additions to the tried-and-true formula. Developer OBD Software wasted no time in patching and tweaking V3, bringing about another round of rapid updates which has cumulated […]
Arma 3 – Apex Incoming
June has been a busy month for the guys and gals over at Bohemia Interactive. Arma 3, Bohemia’s powerhouse, tactical third-person shooter, is gearing up to drop its next big expansion this July. The venerable franchise also celebrates its 15th anniversary this month – Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (Arma Cold War Assault) was originally […]
Battlefield 1 – Dice Goes Back To Its Roots
And… we’re back! After a conspicuous, and unfortunately unavoidable absence, SimHQ is returning to its regularly scheduled programming. So, let’s not waste any time and jump right back into the fray. A lot has happened in the previous weeks, including one of the gaming industries largest, and arguably most popular, consumer/developer gatherings: E3. This year’s […]
Elite Dangerous: Engineers Beta – Mayhem And Apocalypse
With the release of Horizons, Elite Dangerous’ next season of updates, the popular space sim has seen its content and scope increases steadily over the past months. The next major content expansion is coming in the form of Engineers, a release dedicated to fleshing out the NPCs, mission structures, as well as adding an extensive […]