Tag Archives | Battle of Stalingrad


IL*2 And DCS Make Strong Moves In 2016

The past few days have seen a nice little burst of news on the flight sim front, with 1C and Eagle Dynamics each providing some new information regarding updates and the futures of their respective games. IL*2 Battle of Moscow A few days ago we took a look at 1C’s update 1.107, which continues the […]

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IL*2 Sturmovik: Battle of Moscow and Beyond

Developer 1C is hard at work preparing for the release of Battle of Moscow, the next addition in its IL*2 Sturmovik franchise. While BOM is due out sometime in the next couple months, 1C has its eyes set on more than just the immediate future: “Long term planning requires long discussion, so we’ll be able […]

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IL*2 Sturmovik MiG-3 Details

Developer 1C has announced that their newest plane, the MiG-3, is currently in its final testing stage. While the anticipated release date for the MiG-3 isn’t until the end of December, 1C recently shed some light on the upcoming release. The MiG-3 (or Mikoyan-Gurevich) was a Soviet fighter which came into its prime during World […]

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IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad – 1.104 Released

The long awaited 1.104 update has finally landed for IL-2 Sturmovik: BOS, and it was worth the wait. So, what has been added? Well, for starters, the summer and autumn season maps, coupled with the new campaign (which covers the early days of the battle through to the November winter that ensued) are both fantastic. […]

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