Other Vehicles and Infantry
Not including infantry, there are 53 controllable units included with PE, many of which can be virtually crewed by the player in some form or another. These range from the standard to the obscure…. if you haven’t seen a Biber bridgelayer in action in any previous sim, for instance, here’s your chance.
My version of the software includes:
(Each also comes with a version with a mine plow or a mine roller)
- M1A1(HA) – Crewable as gunner or commander
- Leopard 2A5 (New) – Crewable as gunner or commander
- Leopard 2A4 – Crewable as gunner or commander
- Leopard 1A5 (New) – Crewable as gunner or commander
- T-72
- T-80
Personnel Carriers
- M2A2 – Crewable as gunner or commander
- M3A2 (New) – Crewable as gunner or commander
- M113 – Crewable as commander, with .50 caliber machine gun
- Marder
- Piranha (New)
- LAV-25 (New)
- BMP1
- BMP2
- BMD2
- BTR80
- YPR-765 (New)
- HMMWV – Crewable as commander, with .50 caliber machine gun
- Ural 4320 (New)
- HEMTT Cargo (New)
- HEMTT Fuel (New)
- Mercedes GD240 (New)
- Mercedes GD240 XO / CO (New)
- M113 MICLIC (New) – Crewable as commander, with .50 caliber machine gun
- M113 Engineering Vehicle (New) – Crewable as commander, with .50 caliber machine gun
- M113 Medic
- M113 TOW (New)
- M113 OPMV Command Vehicle (New)
- M113 / FO
- FIST V – Crewable as commander, with sighting scope
- M901
- Jaguar
- YPR-765 PRAT (New)
- YPR-765 CO (New)
- MT-55 Bridgelayer (New)
- Biber Bridgelayer (New)
- Mi-24 Hind-E (New)