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I thumb the N-019’s reflector through its three zones, left, center, right, selecting DVB-Ob3 scan mode, the Head-On target-sorting mode that is most useful. Ha! A radar trace, and another! The C-130 and its Phantom escorts?
“Two, radar contact bearing 260 for 52. You were right, Sacha, I am sure it is them.”“Pince low, Vasily. One, shooter.”
“Two, copy.” |
I place the cursors over both targets, and command a lock. The system resolves into ATK single-target-track mode. The enemy is higher and slower than I, and maneuvering. It is the escort Phantom! I select R-27R for range and punch in afterburner. |
“Two, weapons free on the trailing Phantom.”“Two, copy.”We separate, in a bid to down the escorts fast. Vasily gets a solution on the second Phantom and calls missile away, his R-27 streaking low past me. |
I’ve locked the first, less than ten kilometers away, now with 1500 kilometers per hour closure. It is a low-probability shot if the Turk maneuvers and I know this.
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